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About the SRCC

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The Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission, referred to as the SRCC, is an Australian Government statutory body with regulatory functions.


The Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (SRCC) is established under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRC Act).

We are a statutory body that administers the regulatory functions of the SRC Act, other than those ascribed to Comcare in the SRC Act.

We are the issuing authority and regulator of self-insurance licences under the SRC Act.

As part of this, we have the power to set standards for the rehabilitation and work health and safety performance of self-insured licensees and must be satisfied that licence applicants can meet these standards.

While we have functions under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act), we are not a regulator under the WHS Act. The regulator will be either Comcare or the state regulator, depending on the self-insured licensee’s individual arrangements.


The SRCC is an 11-member body under the SRC Act which has:

  • three members nominated by the Australian Council of Trade Unions
  • one member representing self-insured licensees
  • one member representing the Commonwealth and Commonwealth authorities
  • the Chief Executive Officer of Safe Work Australia
  • one member representing members and former members of the Defence Force
  • one member representing Australian Capital Territory's public sector employers
  • two members with qualifications and experience relevant to the SRCC’s functions, or the exercise of its powers.

Each member, other than Safe Work Australia’s Chief Executive Officer, is appointed by the responsible Minister and holds office on a part-time basis for a term of up to three years. Members are eligible for reappointment.

Members, other than the Chairperson, may appoint a deputy, subject to the Minister's approval.

The SRCC Commissioner’s Code of Conduct (PDF, 226.9 KB) describes the standards of behaviour and conduct expected from Commissioners in their dealings with other members, stakeholders and the public. Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners are expected to familiarise themselves with the document and observe the standards set out in this Code.

See information about serving SRCC Commissioners.


The SRCC usually meets at least four times a year.

In 2025, the meeting dates are:

  • 13 March 2025
  • 12 June 2025
  • 11 September 2025
  • 4 December 2025

We have endorsed a protocol that specifies timeframes for people to lodge self-insurance licence applications and submit information for the SRCC to consider. For more information, see Timelines and protocols.

The SRCC can also, at its discretion, consider matters outside of its regular meetings or through its working sub-committee.

Key functions

The SRCC performs a range of functions under the SRC Act and WHS Act.

Our main functions are:

Grant, extend and vary self-insurance licences

The SRCC is the issuing authority and regulator of self-insurance licences under the SRC Act.

We make our decisions and take actions in relation to the granting and ongoing management of self-insurance licences under part 8 of the SRC Act. We can take any necessary steps in order to perform this legislative function.

We have the power to grant a self-insurance licence to eligible applicants to self-insure workers’ compensation liabilities under section 104 of the SRC Act.

Our power to vary the scope of a licence or to renew it, by extending its term, is outlined in section 105 of the SRC Act.

Ensure equity of outcomes under the SRC Act

We act to ensure that, as far as practicable, the administrative practices and procedures used by Comcare and self-insured licensees in performing their functions results in equitable outcomes.

For more information, see The Commission Function—section 89B of the SRC Act.

Provide advice to the Minister

We advise the responsible Minister on anything which relates to the operation of the SRC Act or to the functions and powers of the SRCC.

We exercise this function primarily through the letters provided to the Minister following the regular meetings of the SRCC. These letters present the significant outcomes from each meeting.

For more information, see The Commission Function—section 89B of the SRC Act.

Issue guidance and advice to the jurisdiction

We may issue guidelines on certain matters to the Chief Executive Officer of Comcare or to Principal Officers of self-insured licensees, under sections 73A, 97E(1), 97E(2) and 97H of the SRC Act.

Principal Officers are defined in Interpretation—section 4 of the SRC Act.

See Guidance for employers for the guidelines issued by the SRCC.

Review premium determinations and regulatory contributions made by Comcare

Under the SRC Act, agencies are accountable for workers' compensation injuries and illness through the payment of annual premiums to Comcare. Comcare determines the amount of premium to be paid by each agency each financial year.

Comcare also charges agencies fees, called regulatory contributions, for Comcare’s and the SRCC’s functions and activities under the SRC Act and the WHS Act.

The SRCC is responsible for reviewing the premiums and regulatory contributions charged to agencies, where their Principal Officer objects to:

  • the original determination by Comcare, or
  • a varied determination following an internal review undertaken by Comcare.

We have formed a Premium Review sub-committee to do this, comprising the SRCC Chairperson and two members.

This sub-committee:

  • reviews Comcare’s review of a determination regarding a premium or regulatory contribution
  • advises and makes recommendations to the SRCC as appropriate.

To request that the SRCC review Comcare’s review of a determination regarding a premium or regulatory contribution, the Principal Officer of the relevant agency needs to provide written notice to the SRCC within 14 days of the determination.

For more information see:

Hold consultation forums

We have a function to provide a forum for consultation between Comcare and persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs), workers and the bodies that represent them, under The Commission Functions —schedule 2, part 2 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.

We also hold annual consultation forums with self-insured licensees and affiliated unions.

The SRCC’s regular meetings are also used as a forum for consultation.


Comcare provides secretariat services to the SRCC, along with other professional staffing services and resources when needed.

This includes arranging all SRCC meetings, sub-committee meetings and working group meetings, managing and preparing correspondence, reporting, and managing complaints.

Page last reviewed: 14 January 2025
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Date printed 26 Mar 2025