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Governance and accountability

We are required by the Australian Government to adhere to relevant legislation and to report on certain activities.

Our annual report informs the Parliament, our partners, customers and the public about our activities and how we are performing.

Information we publish as part of our obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

As an Australian Government statutory body, we must publish certain information about freedom of information requests in a disclosure log.

We report on gifts and benefits as part of Australian Public Service Commission guidelines for Australian Government agencies.

An assessment of the potential impact a project may have on an individual's privacy.

The statement sets out the Chairperson’s intentions of how the SRCC will meet the Attorney-General’s (Minister for Industrial Relations) expectations under the SRC Act.

Directions, instruments and notices set out binding rules on how the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRC Act) operates.

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Date printed 26 Mar 2025