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Our principles

For: Claimants Employers and managers Service providers Advocates Information seekers

We are guided by a series of principles in carrying out our functions and powers.

Regulatory principles

In undertaking our regulatory functions, our decision making is guided by the principles set out in the Self-insurance Licence Compliance and Performance Model (PDF, 3.0 MB).

The SRCC should not unnecessarily impede the efficient operation of regulated entities

  • Flexible—encourage flexibility to achieve outcomes, including an integrated approach to work health and safety, rehabilitation and claims management.
  • Cost effective and efficient—ensure that regulation is necessary and is delivered in the most effective and efficient manner.

Communication with regulated entities is clear, targeted and effective

  • Accountable—explain decisions and make available avenues for feedback, complaint or appeal and in doing so will act in a timely fashion.

Actions undertaken by the SRCC are proportionate to the risks being managed

  • Consistent and proportionate—ensure that decision making is consistent and proportionate, taking into account the particular circumstances.
  • Lawful—adhere to the requirement for compliance with relevant legislative provisions and legal standards.

Compliance and monitoring approaches are streamlined and coordinated

  • A systems-based approach—apply a flexible systems based approach directed to the attainment of desired outcomes, rather than meeting specified process requirements.

The SRCC is open and transparent in its dealings with regulated entities

  • Consultative—encourage effective consultation and collaboration with, and participation by, all affected parties including workers.
  • Transparent—ensure that regulatory decisions demonstrate balance, impartiality and integrity.

The SRCC actively contributes to the continuous improvement of regulatory frameworks

  • Contemporary—review, monitor and update policies and practices, including clearly defined corporate governance arrangements, to ensure the regulatory framework remains contemporary and relevant.

Evaluation principles for licence applications and extensions

In evaluating self-insurance licence applications and extensions, we follow the following principles:

Be transparent

We are aware that the process of considering self-insurance licence applications and requests for licence extensions needs to be as open and transparent as possible while recognising commercial confidentiality constraints.

To support transparency, we:

Organisations intending to apply to the SRCC for a self-insurance licence need to be aware that the application will be on the public record from the time it is received by the SRCC.

Allow adequate time to evaluate

The evaluation of self-insurance licence applications and extensions is a complex process and requires information to be supplied from various organisations and people.

To this end, we have imposed a minimum timeframe of 12 weeks for self-insurance licence applications and extensions to be considered. This is to:

  • allow the process to be conducted with the rigor required
  • provide sufficient time for the SRCC to consider the large amount of detailed and complex material presented.

Individual applications may require further assessment, lengthening this timeframe. We encourage potential applicants to contact Comcare as soon as possible to discuss application timeframes.

For more information, see:

Provide an opportunity for views to be expressed to the SRCC

We have established a process and timetable in order to ensure there is a reasonable time:

  • for interested people and organisations to inform us of their views on a self-insurance licence application or extension, or other matter
  • to consider materials presented to us.

To allow us adequate time to consider the comments and views expressed in a submission, we have set deadlines when submissions must be lodged with the SRCC.

Views submitted after the deadline will be considered at the discretion of the SRCC and may not necessarily be considered.

For more information, see:

Page last reviewed: 16 June 2023
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Date printed 26 Mar 2025