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Timeframes and protocols

For: Employers and managers Advocates Information seekers

We follow endorsed protocols relating to both the submission of self-insurance licence applications and the submission of comments in response to a licence application or other matter.


The Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (SRCC) protocols are designed to:

  • bring greater openness and transparency to our decision-making processes
  • provide sufficient time for us to properly consider application material
  • allow interested parties to make submissions to the SRCC and for a right of reply to be accorded to the applicant or affected party in the process
  • ensure the application of natural justice can be applied.

Minimum timeframes and protocols

If you applying for a self-insurance licence application or making a submission, you need to be aware of these protocols and the minimum timeframes.

Timeframes for licence applications and extensions

We have established minimum timeframes for the lodgement of self-insurance licence applications with the SRCC and the submission of comments in response to an application or extension. See Table 1 for the timeframes for each step.

These timeframes are consistent with our evaluation principles.

When a minimum timeframe is not met, the submission will only be considered at the SRCC's discretion and may not be considered as part of the decision-making process.

Table 1: Timeframes for steps in the self-insurance licence application and extension process.


Submit a self-insurance licence application to the SRCC

At least 12 weeks before the SRCC meeting where the application will be considered.

Self-insurance licence applicant


Place notice of licence application on the SRCC website

Within seven days of receiving a compliant licence application (step 1).



Submit comments on a licence application

At least four weeks before the SRCC meeting where the application will be considered.

Relevant union


Consider and assess the licence application

At the SRCC meeting.



Notify of the SRCC decision on the SRCC website

Immediately following consideration of the licence application (step 4).



Submit a licence extension to the SRCC

At least 12 weeks before the SRCC meeting where the application will be considered.

Self-insurance licence applicant


Place notice of licence extension on the SRCC website

Within seven days of receiving a compliant application to extend the licence (step 6).



Submit comments on a licence extension

At least four weeks before the SRCC meeting where the application will be considered.

Relevant union

Timeframes related to other material

We have protocols covering the consideration by the SRCC of other material not related to a self-insurance licence application or extension. See Table 2 for the timeframe.

Table 2: Timeframe for other material, not related to a self-insurance licence application or extension.

Submit material

At least four weeks before the SRCC meeting where the item will be considered.

This is to allow Comcare to adequately investigate and evaluate the submitted material and to allow affected parties a right of reply.

Person making the submission

Conditions and exemptions

The protocols do not prevent the SRCC from considering urgent matters. The consideration of urgent matters by the SRCC is wholly at the SRCC’s discretion.

The protocols also do not preclude Commissioners from raising matters of interest under the ‘Other business’ agenda item. The Chairperson of the SRCC should be notified of matters to be raised under ‘Other business’ at the start of the meeting.

More information

For more information, see:

Page last reviewed: 11 October 2023
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Date printed 26 Mar 2025