Employees of self-insurers
Everyone in the workplace has duties and responsibilities in relation to health, safety and rehabilitation at work.

Find out who you can contact if you have a query or concern, or need more information following a workplace injury or illness.
Information about when it is appropriate to contact the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (SRCC) with a query or concern.
Employees of a self-insured licensee and other people with an interest can provide feedback or raise concerns about a licensee.
If you have a work-related physical or psychological injury or illness, you may be eligible to receive compensation under the SRC Act.
You may be covered for medical and general support and other benefits under the SRC Act while you recover from a work-related illness or injury.
Comcare provides training for different roles in the Comcare scheme on the learning management system, called Comcare LMS.
The Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (SRCC) recognises the potential for early intervention to achieve better health and recovery outcomes.