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Making a claim for workers' compensation

For: Claimants Advocates Information seekers

If you have a work-related physical or psychological injury or illness, you may be eligible to receive compensation under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRC Act).

Advice on how to make a claim

Your employer

As an employee of a self-insured licensee, you should seek advice from your employer if you have a work-related injury or illness. Your employer can let you know the actions you need to take and how to apply for workers’ compensation.

If you are unsure whether your employer is a self-insured licensee, check our list of self-insured licensees.


Comcare provides information for employees under the SRC Act - including employees of self-insured licensees – about making a workers’ compensation claim, the steps which are followed, and eligibility.

Assessing and managing your claim

If you are employed by a self-insured licensee, your claim for workers’ compensation will be assessed and managed under the SRC Act.

Some self-insured licensees manage claims in-house. Other self-insured licensees use the services of an external claims management provider to assist them. The Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (SRCC) approves these arrangements as part of your employer’s licence to self-insure.

The SRCC regulates self-insured licensees and ensures they meet appropriate standards of performance when determining and managing claims and rehabilitation for employees with a work-related injury or illness.

Comcare provides information on the process and requirements, including:

Making a workers’ compensation claim Eligibility and the steps followed in workers’ compensation claims.
How a claim is assessed The principles and tests followed when a claim for workers’ compensation is assessed
Medical evidence Medical certificates and other medical evidence required for a claim.
Statutory rates for compensation Statutory rates indicate the maximum amount of compensation which can be paid for specific benefits under the SRC Act.

If your claim for compensation is accepted, you may be eligible for support and financial assistance.

If you disagree with a claims determination

You can ask for a review of a determination made about your claim. Your claims manager or human resources team will be able to advise you how you can seek this review.

Applying for a reconsideration of a determination on the Comcare website provides information about what a reconsideration involves, and which determinations can be reconsidered under the SRC Act.

If you disagree with the reviewable decision, you may then appeal to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) to review the decision.

Page last reviewed: 01 June 2023
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Date printed 26 Mar 2025