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Providing feedback about a self‑insured licensee

For: Claimants Advocates Information seekers

As an employee of a self-insured licensee or other person with an interest, you can provide feedback or raise concerns about a self-insured licensee.

Types of feedback

Feedback on self-insured licensees generally falls into one of the following categories:

1. Information requests about workers’ compensation claims


  • How do I lodge a claim for workers’ compensation?
  • Why have my incapacity payments reduced?
  • How can I dispute a decision about my claim?
  • When will my claim be approved?

Who to contact

We recommend you visit the Claims and rehabilitation section of the Comcare website where you will find information specifically for employees of self-insured licensees and Australian Government agencies and statutory authorities about claims, rehabilitation and the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRC Act).

You can also contact your employer for these types of queries.

2. Complaints about a self-insured licensee and the management of a claim


  • My employer is not supporting me to return to work.
  • Treatment for my injury is not being provided.
  • I am not being paid correctly.

Who to contact

You should raise feedback, queries or concerns with your employer. This gives your employer an opportunity to respond to you and resolve the issue.

Channels to raise an issue or complaint with your employer include:

  • the team at your workplace which manages workers’ compensation or injury management
  • your employer’s third-party workers’ compensation claims manager
  • your supervisor or manager.

You can contact Comcare to discuss concerns about the management of a workers’ compensation claim or for advice about the legislation.

3. Concerns or allegation of a potential breach of a self-insurance licence


  • Claims are being deliberately delayed by my employer.
  • Workers are being discouraged from making a claim.

Who to contact

Contact the SRCC where there may be a breach of a self-insurance licence.

4. Matters outside of the SRCC’s remit


  • Industrial relations matters.
  • Bullying or harassment.

Who to contact

Refer to your work health and safety regulator, union representative, or human resource department for further information.

Who can provide feedback

If you are an employee of a self-insured licensee, your employer is required to tell you how you can provide feedback or raise concerns about the management of your workers’ compensation claim.

See a list of self-insured licensees if you are unsure of your employer's status. A self-insured licensee is an entity licensed by the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (SRCC) to manage workers’ compensation claims made by its employees.

You can choose to have someone act as a representative for you. This includes your union, a family member, legal representative or a work colleague.

Anyone representing you will need to have written authority from you to act as your representative. You can use the Authority (or Removal of Authority) to Act on Employee's Behalf form (PDF, 67.8 KB) provided by Comcare.

How to provide feedback

Providing feedback to Comcare

You can contact Comcare for advice about the legislation or to discuss concerns about the management of a workers’ compensation claim.

Comcare can, where relevant, discuss your concerns with your employer which may assist to resolve the matter.

  • Email
  • Call Comcare on 1300 366 979 between 8.30am and 5.00pm AEST Monday to Friday.
  • Write to Comcare, GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601.

If you are not fluent in English, an interpreter service can be arranged.

If you do not want to provide your name or be identified, Comcare accepts anonymous feedback. However, this will mean the actions taken or the outcome that is reached will not be made known to you. Comcare may also be unable to resolve your concern if more information is required. To submit your feedback anonymously to Comcare, use the Anonymous Online Feedback form.

See Provide feedback on the Comcare website for further details about Comcare's feedback process and information to provide.

Providing feedback to the SRCC

Contact the SRCC where there may be a breach of a self-insurance licence. This can include where you have:

  • concerns than an employer may have breached its self-insurance licence, or
  • evidence an employer has breached its self-insurance licence.

The SRCC may consider acting on the concerns raised, including conducting an investigation of the employer, to determine if a breach has occurred.

You can also contact the SRCC to make a submission regarding a self-insured licensee or on matters that fall within the SRCC’s functions.

The SRCC’s functions do not extend to investigating complaints in relation to individual claims matters.

After a complaint is resolved or closed

In many cases, Comcare can provide general information and guidance about the SRC Act to help a person resolve their issue or concern.

If the person is dissatisfied with the outcome, the complaint can be escalated to the SRCC for consideration.

The complaint is closed once the SRCC is satisfied that the person has been provided with:

  • an answer to their question, or
  • information about the avenue or tools to resolve the concern. This may include appealing to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) or contacting the employer.

We will advise the person when the complaint is closed. At this time, we will provide information on any further action open to the person if they are dissatisfied with the result.

Page last reviewed: 05 January 2024
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GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025