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Supports for your recovery and benefits

For: Claimants Advocates Information seekers

As an employee of a self-insured licensee, you may be covered for medical and general support and other benefits while you recover from a work-related illness or injury.


You must have an accepted claim for compensation to be eligible for benefits and support services, required as a result of your compensable injury.

Most supports and benefits have a separate application process. You may need to be assessed by an occupational therapist or other health professional as part of the application process.

Advice on your entitlements

From your employer

You should seek advice from your employer about required actions and entitlements if you experience a work-related injury or illness.

If you are unsure whether your employer is a self-insured licensee, check our list of self-insured licensees.

By Comcare

Comcare provides information for employees operating under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRC Act), including information for employees of self-insured licensees.

Guidance is provided on eligibility for supports and benefits, and application and assessment processes.

Support or benefitDescription
Income support Incapacity payments compensate you for loss of income until you recover from your work-related injury or illness or while you are on a rehabilitation program.
Medical treatment Reimbursement for medical, hospital, pharmaceutical and other treatment costs.
Workplace rehabilitation services Rehabilitation services designed to help you recover at work or return to work.
Attendant care services Help with personal care and carrying out daily living activities.
Household services Help with basic services of a domestic nature that you require for the proper running and maintenance of your household.
Aids, appliances and modifications Buying, repairing or replacing equipment you need to help with your recovery.
Travel costs Reimbursement for the cost of travel to attend medical treatment that you need as a result of your work-related injury or illness.
Long-term injury or impairment If your work-related injury or illness results in a long-term or permanent impairment.
Entitlements following a work-related death Compensation or assistance following a work-related death.

You can also find information about the steps in the return to work process and the supports for getting you back to work.

More information

See Supports for your recovery and benefits on the Comcare website for eligibility information, and the application and assessment processes for individual benefits and supports.

Page last reviewed: 01 June 2023
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Date printed 26 Mar 2025